19 august 2012, World Humanitarian Day.
\nWorld Humanitarian Day… un semnal global, un imbold, o rugaminte.
O sarbatoare dedicata tuturor voluntarilor din toata lumea care ajuta milioane de oameni prin actiunile lor. World Humanitarian Day este o sarbatorire globala a oamenilor care ajuta oameni.
\nCampania de anul acesta se numeste I WAS HERE, vorbeste despre ideea de a lasa un semn pe unde treci, un semn care sa ia forma unui gest bun, indreptat catre oricine are nevoie de ajutor.
\nBeyonce – I was here, concert live la U.N. World Humanitarian Day.
WHD de anul acesta a fost stabilita de catre Consiliul General al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite in asa fel incat sa coincida cu ziua oribilului atentat din 2003, de la Bagdad, care a facut 22 de victime din randul staffului U.N., cand voluntari din toata lumea au ajutat cum au putut.
I was here puteti pune si voi pe harta voastra. Deveniti voluntari la o asociatie care se ocupa de ceva care pe voi va intereseaza, va ingrijoreaza, si faceti ceva bun pentru altcineva.
\nNu e obligatoriu, dar… e bine. Si va face si voua bine.
\nEu te astept la Zambet si Suflet, daca vrei sa te implici in noua noastra campanie, Premiantii merg la joaca (premiem copiii institutionalizati care au avut rezultate bune la invatatura), insa te poti implica in foarte multe cauze, exista destule asociatii care au nevoie de voluntari (si U.N. propune ceva bun).
\nCampania mi se pare foarte, foarte buna. Folosind „shape”-ul deja clasicelor pin-uri Google Maps, implicand-o pe Beyonce si avand si suportul sonor al melodiei (care va prinde, sunt sigur), momentul… asa cum se vede din video, a fost extraordinar.
\nM-am uitat la clip de vreo 10 ori, am incercat sa prind cat mai mult din proiectia imensa, acea combinatie de video de reportaj, documentar si grafica 3D… da, mi-ar fi placut sa fiu in sala. Si mi-ar fi placut sa fie cat mai multi oameni acolo, dupa explozia aia de sunet si imagine, de ganduri pozitive, de exemple palpabile… sunt sigur ca toti ar fi gasit dorinta si puterea de a face ceva bun si de a spune mandru, I was here!
\nStiu, pentru o zi de luni sunt obositor de optimist si de increzator, dar… imi dau voie sa fiu asa. Astfel nu-mi va fi frica de ziua de maine si-o voi astepta zambind, sperand la mai bine pentru toti.
\nO seara buna va doresc…
\nMai jos am pus si versuri pentru I was here – Beyonce.
\n\nI wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time
\nKnow there was something that, and something that I left behind
\nWhen I leave this world, I’ll leave no regrets
\nLeave something to remember, so they won’t forget
\nI was hereI lived, I loved
I was here
\nI did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
\nAnd it was more than I thought it would be
\nI will leave my mark so everyone will know
\nI was here
\nI want to say I lived each day, until I die
And know that I meant something in, somebody’s life
\nThe hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leave
\nThat I made a difference, and this world will see
\nI was hereI lived, I loved
I was hereI did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
\nAnd it was more than I thought it would be
\nI will leave my mark so everyone will know
\nI was hereI lived, I loved
I was hereI did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
\nAnd it was more than I thought it would be
\nI will leave my mark so everyone will know
\nI was here
\nI just want them to know
That I gave my all, did my best
\nBrought someone to hapiness
\nLeft this world a little better just because
\nI was here
\nI was hereI lived, I loved
I was hereI did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
\nAnd it was more than I thought it would be
\nI will leave my mark so everyone will knowI was here…
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