Culturescape: Queen – Under pressure

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Cine a fost primul? Oul sau gaina .. Queen – Under pressure sau Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Baby? Pentru cei nascuti inainte de ’80 probabil ca raspunsul va fi Queen – Under pressure, pentru ceilalti nu-i nimic .. aflati acum.


Fara prea multe vorbe doamnelor si domnilor, aparut in 1982 pe albumul Hot Space, o colaborare intre Queen si David Bowie – Under pressure:



Si versurile mai jos:



Mm ba ba de
\nUm bum ba de
\nUm bu bu bum da de
\nPressure pushing down on me
\nPressing down on you no man ask for
\nUnder pressure – that burns a building down
\nSplits a family in two
\nPuts people on streets
\nUm ba ba be
\nUm ba ba be
\nDe day da
\nEe day da – that’s o.k.
\nIt’s the terror of knowing
\nWhat this world is about
\nWatching some good friends
\nScreaming ‘Let me out’
\nPray tomorrow – gets me higher
\nPressure on people – people on streets
\nDay day de mm hm
\nDa da da ba ba
\nChippin’ around – kick my brains around the floor
\nThese are the days it never rains but it pours
\nEe do ba be
\nEe da ba ba ba
\nUm bo bo
\nBe lap
\nPeople on streets – ee da de da de
\nPeople on streets – ee da de da de da de da
\nIt’s the terror of knowing
\nWhat this world is about
\nWatching some good friends
\nScreaming ‘Let me out’
\nPray tomorrow – gets me higher high high
\nPressure on people – people on streets
\nTurned away from it all like a blind man
\nSat on a fence but it don’t work
\nKeep coming up with love
\nbut it’s so slashed and torn
\nWhy – why – why ?
\nLove love love love love
\nInsanity laughs under pressure we’re cracking
\nCan’t we give ourselves one more chance
\nWhy can’t we give love that one more chance
\nWhy can’t we give love give love give love give love
\ngive love give love give love give love give love
\n‘Cause love’s such an old fashioned word
\nAnd love dares you to care for
\nThe people on the edge of the night
\nAnd loves dares you to change our way of
\nCaring about ourselves
\nThis is our last dance
\nThis is our last dance
\nThis is ourselves
\nUnder pressure
\nUnder pressure




The Grinch.

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