Mare problem d’amour!

{ "rendered": "

Bun. Mesajul este asta:


🙂 Buna zia.I  m a french guy that came to bucarest on 7 october meet one girl called andreea denisa Istrate.


We met first on net and after one year of talks we met physically ,she waited me in otopeni on 7 ocober night then we took a taxi to giurgiu where live her mum .


We spent there 2 beautiful days and nights , spent days at her mum.WAS  absolutely great!!!we planed have a baby ,marry.


When i returnes france on 9 u were at airport with your daughter waiting a plane too;was cute .


I writte u to help me tell her i love her and is nothing i wouldnt do to wait her one day with a daughter or a son ,like u were waiting on 9 october 2010.


Her mail adress is xxxx or xxxxxx  i saw tv in romania and saw u were a good person.PLS HELP ME IN NAME OF LOVE.MULTUMESC


Cum il ajutam pe noul nostru prieten? O stie cineva pe Andreea Denisa Istrate din Giurgiu? O anunta cineva ca francezu’ e cazut in cap si ca daca nu face ceva o ia omu’ pe campii?


Pe bune, mesajul mi s-a parut incredibil de simpatic! Ii dam o mana de ajutor omului, au ba?

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