Le problem d’ámour… e rezolvat!

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Va ceream ajutorul in cazul francezului nostru, in postul Mare problem d’amour.


E, uite ca am cautat unde trebuia, ca fata era la Bucuresti, e doar nascuta in Giurgiu. Si dupa cum puteti vedea mai jos… omul si-a luat inima-n dinti si vine incoace s-o ceara de navasta!


„hi mister cabral i wrotte u in beginning of january to tell u about this girl andreea  from GIURGIU,how i met her and how my heart and soul burn for her.


AT FIRST I D LIKE THANKS U(MULTUMESC) to have tried help me.ANDREEA lives in bucarest,was born in giurgiu,now only her mum live there.


I will return soon to bucuresti to ask her come with me,i ll get on knees asking her  and her mum let me take her with me.


Since the first second i saw her i knew she was my one,and whatever i try i cant forget her.I have no other choice than return and bring her home.


What would be this life if when u meet the one u always waited for,u have to renounce?What kind of men should i be?


I ll return bucuresti and will find a way to make my voice and prayer heared.I LOVE HER,AINT NO OTHER WAY.


Thanks again,keep on continue being yourself u re great.MULTUMESC”.


Ce sa spunem? Cu placere!

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